MOTE Inc. is a non-profit 501c3 founded by Dr. David M. Walden and his wife, Sandra Walden. MOTE was incorporated in 2003 from its origin, San Diego Christian Center Inc., which was founded in 1995.
MOTE is a Christian organization based on Biblical leadership principles. Our purpose is to exalt Jesus Christ through relational evangelism which reaches and disciples people who live “on the edge”. This is achieved through
edifying, equipping and strengthening believers and their leaders in their knowledge and practical application of the Bible.
The first step in achieving our mission is by establishing “working ministries” in challenging venues. This can include secular institutions such as public hospitals or public education, but primarily it is in the areas where poverty
and crime are high. The purpose of establishing these working ministries is two-fold. First: to address a practical need within the community. Second: to equip leaders who will duplicate this process within their communities.
The second step in achieving our mission is by equipping indigenous pastors and leaders through our one-year Practical Theology Education Series. The Diploma Program is a one-year teaching intensive that focuses on Practical
Theology and the subsequent application of what is learned. This program includes rigorous classes, multiple conferences, and many workshops. This is all completed in collaboration with both U.S. Christian colleges, local churches,
businesses, and government agencies.
To Proclaim the Good News to Those Living on the Edge through Relational Evangelism by Equipping and Strengthening Believers in Their Faith and Good Works.